by ESPsychic Corbie
So many causes, so many problems. Daily I am inundated by emails from the
right wing, the left wing, the fundamentalists, the progressives, the
independents, pro-choice, pro-life; from those fighting for the homeless, for
the hungry, for minorities, for children, for the elderly, for animals, for the
environment, for health care, for Syria, for Israel, for Palestinians, for the
rainforests…help us, give us money, give us time, do something or disaster will
occur because you haven’t done anything.
And this week, we had the Boston Marathon bombings, the ricin letters, the
Texas explosion, the failure of bills in Congress to address serious problems,
and a dozen other local-to-each-of-us things that try our souls but are below
the national radar.
All those black mutterings had me looking at what the world has become over
the last decade. And then, historian that I am (and being married to a
professional one to boot), I began to think back. Years… decades… centuries. In
those days, there was time to think, to be deliberate in one’s actions and
words. Basic civility was the norm, rather than the constant shrill demand that
one’s personal rights were more important than the comfort or care of others
around you. Everyone acknowledged a definite demarcation between work time and
private time. Neighbors were not afraid of each other; they did not fear for
their children’s very existence walking around the block alone. One knew that
the world was still going to exist; that there was still a great deal of the
earth untouched by mankind; that no matter how bad things got, the earth itself
was going to be all right.
It feels like we have none of that now. The world is speeding up, constructed
in such a way that what we have taken for granted in almost every area of our
lives is being brought into question. What do we do? Go numb to avoid the sheer
despair? Dive headlong into hedonism? What can anyone do?
And then I heard a voice in my head…clear, crisp, precise, and forceful.
“Pick one thing.”
This was without a doubt not my own thought, but from some Being outside of
me — as clarion call as ever my guides and angels have given me.
“Pick one thing.”
We are all going to die, eventually. As Jim Morrison said, no one gets out of
here alive. So whether one dies at home, safe and in bed; in a war zone; in a
post-nuclear-winter survival scenario; or any one of the million ways it’s
possible to leave this mortal coil – you are here now. For a week, a month, a
year, five years, twenty. And in that time, while our world is more complex than
it has ever been, you are still hands that can heal or feed or plant or create.
You are a head that can think new thoughts, provide new intentions, and learn
new responses. And you are still a heart that can hear truth, feel love rather
than fear, and connect with all those who have been before and will be in the
future – for the heart and the soul are our twin cores.
Today, I will pick one thing – one thing that I feel good doing. And instead
of thinking of it as not enough because of everything else in the world that
needs repair and redress, I will give that one thing my whole head and hand and
heart. And thus, instead of despair, I will plant hope – in my own heart as well
as others’.
And I will make a difference.
If there is one wish I have for you, it would be that you, too, find your One
Thing. It will be different for every one of you. But as long as you find it,
treasure it, and work to heal it in a way that heals you as well, it will be the
Right Thing.
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