by ESPsychic Mandy
Dear ones,
Never doubt that you have power. You have more than you can imagine...
Many of you are currently learning how to work with power within your personal lives and intimate relationships. However, as you feel more comfortable, you can also learn how to use power in a greater sense: i.e. you can use your power to affect a larger stream of consciousness. By doing so, it is possible to affect great changes, both concerning your planetary experience and your relationship with Mother Earth.
You are part of a collective energy that has the ability to move as one consciousness. You have always been moving as one consciousness, you simply may not have been aware of this.
You are part of a collective energy that has the ability to move as one consciousness. You have always been moving as one consciousness, you simply may not have been aware of this.
See this 'one' consciousness as if it were a stream of pure thought and energy. From and within this stream flows various smaller and smaller streams. Each smaller stream is comprised of different forms of thought which make up your beliefs about how to survive socially, physically and emotionally--as well as beliefs concerning culture, norms, religion, etc. Your individual consciousness is merely the smallest and most differentiated stream amongst larger and larger ones, and it is capable of existing both independently and as part of greater streams. For example: when motivated toward altruism and a greater purpose within the world, you are actively intending for your individual consciousness to affect a bigger and more collective stream of consciousness.
Furthermore, humans are not the only type of being capable of influencing various streams of consciousness. Many beings of many different kinds are involved in trying to affect the collective consciousness through influencing individual belief systems within it.
To achieve a more collective perspective, begin to allow yourself to see the world through the eyes of love. Make this love unbiased; that is, try not to force yourself to see the world in terms of positive or negative, simply what is. As you do this, begin to see how you are more than your personal world and daily living experiences. Allow yourself to tap into what flows beyond this.
As you shift your vision to allow a connection with a greater collective consciousness of thought and belief, you may begin to move back and forth between what appears to be two main systems of streams: one system is locked into the physical and emotional realities that you see within the world (represented by the collective conscious), while the other system moves beyond these realities and is free (represented by the collective superconscious). Some of you may even detect a third system, as represented by the collective subconscious. Now imagine placing streams emerging from lower levels of consciousness within the superconscious stream. The superconscious then becomes a purifying stream. In essence, the more still and present you are, as you allow yourself to flow with the superconscious stream, the more this stream will have a filtering effect; helping you weed through various mind-sets that you have been conditioned to adhere to in order to examine them for their truth..
Using an example: your worldly desires do form a part of you upon this earth for now, but they are not who you are as part of the superconscious stream. They are bits of information and a part of conscious and subconscious streams of thought and belief that never truly served the truth of who you are. They serve a collective energy that was formed and which left an impression through the streaming of ancestral stories, rituals, culture, family, learning, teaching, books, and more recently media, advertising, television, and more. But that awareness has been ever changing, and now you are reaching a stage in your evolution where a door can open to change that awareness once again. It will take courage, but keep moving forward in order to create a more refined and purified state of belief and mind.
Likewise, know that you are more than your personal enslavement. You are more than your addiction to giving your power away to all that you do not even realize you have given your power away to. All of your objects, agencies, governments, corporations, relationships, ideas, habits, etc. are part of a stream of consciousness that seeks to limit you. Some of you do not yet understand that freedom is a thought. It has to be first thought of before there can be action to make it a reality. When you have been conditioned to believe that your freedom lies within certain constructs and streams of consciousness instead of outside of them, you accept your constraints as ideas that must be upheld.
If you can realize your freedom while remaining linked in your consciousness to the superconscious stream (meaning you are able to visualize it), you will learn that change does not have to come through any violent overthrow of the systems and physical realities you have given your power away to. You will realize that the belief that it has to come this way is simply another stream of thought you decided to join with your own. The biggest changes will emerge when the collective consciousness begins to shift via the shifting of your beliefs. Most of your beliefs pertain to what you have been taught to believe serves you and you can choose to learn to believe something else.
Look to all of your earthly desires as to what is at the root of them and start from there. The root to any desire is usually a call for Love: a desire to feel complete or whole, and to realize something that is beyond yourself. Also, you do not need to be afraid to join your consciousness with others in an effort to form new and more loving pathways. There is more that you can do banded together as a chain of love than you can do as an individual. It will be through unified thought and unfaltering clarity on a collective goal (for example, world peace or environmental healing) that will create the shift that many of you are looking for.
Most of all, never doubt your power as an individual to affect the whole. You are that whole, and you are responsible for that whole as well. The path of the individual and the path of the collective may seem separate right now, but they are one in the same. It is not necessary that you wait for the collective to make its intentions known in order for you to make yourself a link in its chain. You are already part of it. Now, see the chain transform into a band of light and spread your light and beauty into the world! And, whatever you create within that world, you must own as yours...
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