Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Battle of the Psychics and ESPsychic Jennifer
Battle of the Psychics and ESPsychic Jennifer: We would like to introduce Jennifer.W an ESPsychic and American Federation Certified, Psychic, Medium, Energy Healer. Jennifer has had psychic ability since childhood, sensing the spirit world, clairsentiently, clairaudiently, and clairvoyantly.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
So, You Think You Are Psychic?
There Are Many Ways You Can Tell If You Are Psychic, a Sensitive, Empath, Medium or Clairvoyant
by Sunhee ParkI have been blessed with psychic ability, empathy and an ability to heal using energy. There are so many things that would happen that I could not explain, nor did I want to talk about it to anyone. I have accepted that I do have psychic gifts and healing abilities. If you feel you are different, try to talk about it with someone else who you know does not judge you, that is the first step.
Here are a list of things that can help you identify if you have psychic gifts:
1. Feeling spirit activity
There are reasons to why you want to sleep with the lights on and raise your electricity bill out of the roof. There are reasons as to why your hair on your arms, neck or back stand straight up when you walk into the basement. You can feel spirits present. You cannot deny a part of who you are because once you do deny, then you are stuffing a gift down inside. The first thing to enhance your gifts is to acknowledge to yourself that you could actually be different and feel more than normal people. This does not mean that you are a nature of freak, it just means that you can feel more.
2. Connecting to a person's spirit is when you walk into a room full of people
Do you stare at someone as if your in a trance? And no matter which part of the room you are in, your head keeps turning to that person? This means that there is a familiar feeling from that person's energy. They could be going through something similar to you in the present. They could also be feeling the same way you do. You feel like you have spoken to this person before or they look familiar. What you are feeling is their aura and you have a connection with this person. You are connecting with a person's aura and its a positive thing. Unless they tell you to take a picture it lasts longer.
3. Knowing what someone is going to say before they say it
Do you know what someone is going to say, before they say it? This is reading someone's mind, called ESP or Extra Sensory Perception. This is a sure sign that you are picking up the thoughts in someone's mind and their thoughts transfer like lightning onto your brain. If you are doing this, you may want to choose which person's thoughts you are feeling, acknowledge it to yourself and mentally throw it back onto the person. Empathy is also a form of ESP where a person's emotional state transfers onto you as if you are now their emotions. We call people who absorb people's feelings an empathic sponge. They are soaking up the feelings to feel how the person is exactly feeling in order to deliver a message.
4. Ability to locate lost or missing objects
When someone asks you "where are my keys", your body automatically goes to the place where the missing keys are. This is called finding. You can feel where an object is if it is hidden or not, your body goes to find it. A more advanced technique of finding is called remote viewing. This is when you are on the phone with someone, and you can describe where they are at and actually see colors of walls or type of interior. This comes with practice and is also combined with a gift called Clairvoyant.
5. Psychic precognition
This is when you state a fact about the future and predicting if they will be getting a job, or breaking up with their partner, traveling to another country, getting the house they bid on and so on. Some psychics have premonitions of bad events as well but are not necessarily trying to poison your mind and make you feel negative. A true psychic will deliver it in a positive and loving way.
If you feel that you have any of these gifts then try to read up more on how to exercise them as opposed to denying them. You do not have to become a professional psychic. The beauty of these gifts can be applied to everyday use with your family, job, health, finance and creativity. This just makes you more well rounded in all aspects of your life. There are many gifts that I have not mentioned here, but I will be writing more often than not.
Find the original article at http://voices.yahoo.com/so-think-psychic-12135878.html?cat=34
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Happiness In The World
By Jennifer Johnson
Something has bothered me for most of my life. I try to explain and never had the speaking skills to help people understand. I decided to write it in hopes that maybe I can help add to anyone’s happiness. I really believe that this is imperative to healthy and happy living. I am very passionate about this. I may even sound repetitive.
Please do not believe that happiness can only come from within. When I hear people say this I feel nothing but pure sadness for the person who believes this.
Happiness comes from God or your creator. You can be happy doing the things you love to do. There is nothing wrong with that and it is not perusing a false sense of happiness. It is okay to look for happiness in things that make you feel good. If it feels good, it is from God. It is not a false sense of good. It is just good.
The positive, healthy, good things I do that bring happiness in my life are riding bike, hiking, walking, writing, reading, learning, swimming, yoga, church, crocheting, and photography to name a few. I enjoy many things that bring happiness in to my life including children and family. I always find happiness everywhere. This is very significant. The reason why I find happiness everywhere is that I believe God is everywhere. I do not believe that my creator only exists within my heart.
If I believed that happiness could only come from within, cancer would kill me. I find happiness everywhere. I choose to do things to add to my happiness adding to my overall health. Whether cancer or not pursue happiness within and in the world.
Your creator is everywhere. Therefore finding happiness is easy. Happiness is an experience that is in you and in the world. Your creator is in your heart and in the world. He is in the couch you sit on, the trees, objects, people, animals, hands, fingers, toes, EVERYTHING. Happiness is in ALL! That is why happiness comes from anywhere and anything.
Realizing that God is everywhere will bring happiness. Everything you do will bring happiness to you. God created all therefore he is ALL. Pursuing happiness inside of you and outside of you is what God wants you to do. He wants you to enjoy YOU, the world he made, and the world he continues to make. He makes the roads through the hands of construction workers. He puts happiness and love in everything. It is your choice to see that God exists in ALL. That is what he wants you to know. Your creator is waiting for you to enjoy everything. All you have to do is choose to believe.
Start believing that God is everywhere and become enlightened with love and happiness. Happiness IS beyond your heart, it is EVERYWHERE. Choose to see that good spark of God in everything!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
ESPsychics Rocks!
I have been working on psychic advisor
lines for many years. I can still remember the fear I felt the first
time I gave a complete stranger a reading over the phone. Talk about
trusting your Guides and Angels to come through! And they have ever since.
The first line I worked for paid me
twenty cents a minute and charged their clients much more. They were
unethical to their customers and advisers. The company would not allow
their clients to buy minutes upfront so they could keep racking up their
credit card bill. My manager told me I gave my readings too efficiently
and quickly. She wanted me to keep them on longer. Which I refused to
do and became popular quickly with clients. One of my clients was
astonished that I had used my real picture because another adviser had a
famous authors picture on their profile! I was on that line for a month
before finding a much more ethical line to work for.
I worked for four other popular lines that treated their clients and advisers much better than the first: with dignity.
The only problem was they paid, “Minimum wages for psychics.” Those
lines will remain nameless, but they paid their psychics anywhere from
32 to 75 cents a minute. These lines had some very nice clients. But
they also had some clients that were very needy and rude. The way I do
my readings is to give them the information the way I receive it. One
woman asked me when a guy she liked was going to call. I told her on
Friday and she wanted to know what time on Friday. She got angry when I
couldn’t give her a time.
I remember the first time someone hung
up on me as I was giving information. I was so devastated! The phone
rang immediately afterwards and I had to recover quickly. After a while,
I got thick skin because I realized they didn’t like hearing the truth.
In time, I got tired of giving my best to those abusive clients for
such low pay. I used to hope that they would hang up and not add any
more money. Maybe if I were getting paid more it would have been easier
to take. I was thrilled to leave them behind.
The lines I work for today are totally different.
ESPsychics psychics are vibrating at a much higher vibration than the past lines I worked for. We are light workers
working hard to help others. ESPsychics treats their psychics with
respect and compensates us well. Because of that we give it our all.
At ESPyschics we care about our clients
no matter where they are at. We help them. It must be that energy that
attracts wonderful clients. Not once have I prayed that a client hang up
like I did with those other lines. There is a feeling of family here
and I am proud to be a part of that family. ESPsychics rocks! I am happy
to read for you at http://espsychics.com/psychics/pamela/
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Wealth & Success: The Gratitude Connection
Everyone knows about the person who sees a glass of water as being half FULL. This is a person who sees potential and opportunity every where and is focused on infinite success. and creating an abundant life. Wealth and Prosperity begin with your feelings and intentions, and what you choose to focus on. When you focus on not having enough, your world contracts, and you may not see the possibilities all around you. You may get caught up in a fear cycle. It becomes harder to take action or see possibilities, and feel gratitude for how amazing your life really is!
You CAN create awesomely successful intentions and goals. VISUALIZE them as outcomes you have achieved, as if they have already happened. In your imagination, experience them AS IF they are already successful parts of your life! Using Emotion and intention are rocket fuel in creating brilliant outcomes. Even in the most challenging life cycles, there are always people out there making lots of money, creating success and having fun.
So.... What's their secret?
Here are some simple, proven ideas to help you focus, so YOU can create Wealth and success! The statement I AM connects us to the Universe and Source of who we are. I AM, is our is-ness in The Universe.” It is also known, there is a specific sequence to create manifestation. Being grateful
and being open to receiving make you a magnet for abundance! What you focus on is what you receive. What you believe is true becomes your reality.
Certainty + Knowing = Success
Being grateful for all that you have and are, and connecting with I AM opens doorways to success, wealth and health. Here is a YouTube link to studies done by Dr. Masuru Emoto on the effects of emotion, intention and thought on water molecules. It is excellent proof of the power of intention and emotion!
Create a list of 100 I AM’s a day, for example,
- I AM a genius.
- I AM extremely rich
- I AM grateful for my amazing life.
- I AM a brilliantly successful business person.
- I AM passionate about life.
- I AM incredibly successful.
- I AM connected to Infinite Source
- I AM open to experiencing abundance.
- I AM vibrantly healthy.
- I AM open to receiving excellence in my life.
Melissa is a professional certified Medium , Clairvoyant and Life Coach. She is also a professional Energy Designer specializing in Interior Design and Feng Shui.
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Monday, May 13, 2013
First Time Getting A Psychic Reading?
There are many psychics in cyber land, so in order to pick a good psychic, I have listed some things to do before you pay.
First, look to see if the psychic has any credentials. It is not completely important to have them, but it is a good sign that the psychic is serious and cares about his or her reputation.
First, look to see if the psychic has any credentials. It is not completely important to have them, but it is a good sign that the psychic is serious and cares about his or her reputation.
Second, look to see what options are available or if there are a free minutes offered by the psychic website.
How To Tell If There Is A Connection:
A genuine psychic can usually connect with you within the first two minutes of a conversation. You can tell if you’re connected because they are able to offer information such as:
- the color of your hair
- your physical ailments in the present or from the past.
- a crossed over spirit (and may mention that spirit)
- a feeling for why you are calling
You basically can tell if you have a connection because your ears are stuck to the phone. If not connected, you may want to get off the line because your anxiety has hit the roof. Watch how you feel; e.g do you feel energetic and calm, or do you feel that the psychic is speaking in a language that is not resonating with you? You as a client have the right to say, “I do not feel a connection, I am going to hang up.”
Choosing A Psychic:
When choosing a psychic, read their bios, testimonials, and their personal inspiring messages. You can usually tell by looking at a photo and reading up on the person whether you intuitively feel a connection or a familiar feeling from them. If you turn away quickly from other psychics, your body is telling you to leave like a haunted house, get out! Understand that you are intuitive yourself. Also, how you act when on the phone with them is very important as well!
Testing A Psychic:
I am not saying for you to test every psychic, but if you do try a few, there are some things to notice as well, e.g.
- The psychic should speak confidently and say “I feel” not “I think.”
- The psychic could ask you a few questions that you may have to say yes or no to validate what they are picking up on.
- If they ask you too many questions, and it sounds like an interview, they are fishing for information.
- The psychic should also come up with messages that are accurate to how you are feeling emotionally, spiritually, physically, or relationships around you.
- If they are not hitting anything and are very general, you do not want to continue a longer reading with them.
Another way is to look at the prices they charge. If the prices are $20.00/minute, then that is fishy. If they say $5 and then they ask you for $300 more, that is fishy. If they say Free and it’s not, that is a ploy to get you to visit their site.
You have to use some common sense as well. If something does not look right, most likely you will not have a good experience. There are some psychics who I have met that have never been in a book, radio show, or TV and are really good psychics. And the famous ones are very expensive and take years sometimes to get a reading. Some psychics have a waiting list of two days to two years, so you use your judgement on that call.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Using EFT To Clear The Chakras & Energy Field
by ESPsychic Mandy
EFT is very easy to use upon the energy field, chakras or any feelings of resistance or blockage in the body. Often, with some clients who do not tend to feel much progress using EFT on regular issues, sometimes using it on the energy field can give them the shift they needed to happen. I even use it within a session while tapping regular issues.
You can go through each chakra and tap something like "Thank you God for healing this chakra of all energetic defects, clearing all blocks and bringing it into balance" or anything else that comes to mind. If a certain chakra feels blocked you can use the negative as well, such as; "Even though my crown chakra feels blocked or out of balance and I feel this painful headache, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself."
You can use it to clear the energy field such as "Thank you God my energy field is clearing of all impurities and is filling up with bright while healing light" and adding rounds of tapping using any other statements that give you the feeling your energy field is lightening and opening up. You can tap in the all leaks and tears in the aura are healing and mending and that your energy field and energetic boundaries are becoming stronger.
You can put up shields, clear your energy of other people energy, dysfunctional cords and attachments, psychic attacks, or you can even use EFT to heal your energy of leakages and energy depletion. Basically the world is your oyster using EFT for these issues and you can just go with what you feel and implement it into a set up statement. Such as in the videos below or see the EFT articles/video page for how to create set up statements.
You can also use EFT on a lot of the Theta Healing type issues such as entities, attachments, curses, contracts, karma, and almost any other energy condition.
An example is below. Tap the following points with two or three fingers while repeating the statements (for more information on how to do EFT see my blogs on EFT):
Karate Chop Point:
- Even though I feel anxious, my thoughts are churning and I feel my energy can't relax, I deeply and completely love and accept myself
- Even though my energy feels tired and blocked, I deeply and completely love and accept myself
- Even though I feel like I am weighted down negative energies that may or may not belong to me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself
Top of Head Point:
- I am releasing all negative energies
- I am releasing all negative entities
- I am transmuting all impurities
- Replacing them with light and love
Eyebrow Point:
- I am releasing anything negative that comes up in my aura, and I deely and completely love and accept myself
- I am releasing all blocks in my energy field and all the resistances to releasing blocks in my energy field
Side of Eye Point:
- I am letting go of all cords, psychic attacks, old karma, energetic traumas, contracts to suffer or anything else that keeps me from being in divine alignment
- I am letting all negativity go, and with this, I feel so deeply and unconditionally loving and accepting of myself
Under Eye Point:
- I am clearing and healing my whole energy field and weaving it with light and love
- I feel my vibration rising and that anything that isnt part of a higher vibration drops from my energy grid.
- I am releasing everything that is not of my highest good, and replacing it with Creators light and love.
Under Nose Point:
- I am releasing and letting go of all negative attachments
- I am freeing myself from all heavy cords, digging them out and transplanting them with Your light
- I'm letting any energy that I took on from others release back to their original owner
Chin Point:
- I am releasing all negativity
- I am releasing all other entities and attachments into the hands of God, away from my presence to continue their evolution never to enter my personal space again.
- I am healing and strengthening my energetic boundaries, seeing them grow stronger and brighter
- Any leaks and tears being healed and fused
Collar Bone Point:
- I am flooding my entire energy field with the brightest and whitest healing light
- I am flooding it so full
- And I am letting it expand out so beautifully and so brightly
- I feel my energy and vibration rising
- I feel my chakras open, balance and expand out and I let them all expand out
- I feel all the love coming into each chakra and feel it going out
- Out into the "all that is", and I just allow...
Under Arm Point:
- My auric field is looking so clear, so white and so bright
- It is so beautiful
- My charkas are all spining so brightly, so beautifully, so clear of any blocks, and all are free of any energetic defects, aligned and in balance
Thumb Point:
- I'm flooding my energy field now with bright white healing flowing light.
- and I let it flow
- and I let my energy field expand out
- My energy field becomes overflowing with light and love as I keep tapping
- And I keep tapping into it a deep unconditional love and acceptance
- Of myself, of others and of Life
Index Finger Point:
- I keep tapping in that love
- I keep tapping in the joy of God
- I feel in the moment one with God, His Love and I know that I am divine
- I am worthy of all love, I always was
Middle Finger Point:
- I am a bright white sparkling being of light
- I deserve to trust it all and to believe in myself
- I deserve to keep walking with this light releasing everything I don't need to carry anymore
Pinky Finger Point:
- I feel everything I don't want or need being completely released, transmuted or let go of
- I can trust that it is all releasing and letting go
- Because I am giving it all to God, who loves me so much and who is offering me so much love for myself, filling my heart with His divine love.
Take a deep breath and release and return to Karate Chop Point
Karate Chop point:
- I am so full of love
- I am so full of God's Light
- My energy field is fully of sparking and magical light
- it is shining so clear and brilliant
- I am ready shine my light out over my life and out into the whole world.
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