Friday, March 22, 2013

For all Sensitives, Intuitives, Psychics, Healers, Artists, Trauma and Near Death Survivors, Etc.

By Sunhee

Sensitives, intuitives, psychics, healers, artists, post traumatic stress sufferers and people who have had near death experiences can often experience uncomfortable symptoms that arise from their sensitivity.  Some individuals may even suffer from anxiety, panic or the feeling that there is something seriously wrong with them, i.e. when they are picking up on the energies around them. If this describes you, and you have concurrent physical ailments, please know that mental stress can block healing.  For example; if you were to have a tooth ache and talk to your ex boyfriend who was abusive, you may find that your toothache becomes worse or you recover from it more slowly.

If you feel your healing progress has become stalled and you are not getting better, try writing down all the things, people or places that do not really make you feel good or bring a smile to your face. You want to heal, after all.  So begin to ask yourself; “Why am I not healing?”  The answer could be because you are giving of yourself and your energy to so many people without receiving anything back in return. Possibly, it is easier for you to be honest with others,  tending to them and helping out as much as possible, than it is for you to tend to your own ailments and issues.  If so, it may be time to rid yourself of the negativity and the people who do not appreciate you.  Block them from your personal circle. You can still love from a distance.  Choosing to love from a distance will not make you a bad person nor give you bad karma. It simply means that you are making a choice not to get drained for one more day. 

To further help you bring positivity into your life, begin to separate the things that make you feel good from the things that make you feel bad. It may even help you to clean out the closet, change the house around, delete old phone messages, and let go of focusing someone who barely acknowledges your existence. Yes, you may be a teacher or healer at heart, but you will just frustrate yourself if you attract or hang onto others who are not willing to be healed or taught anything. And, don’t you want to see progress in this regard? Don’t you want to see the benefits of healing people who really accept your gifts, your love and your self worth? This is preferable to acting out a past issue, while hanging onto individuals (or remaining in communication with them) who are not on the same page as you are.

Yes, I understand that you feel empathy for these individuals. You feel empathically connected to them and feel their thoughts and emotions.  However, what good is this use of your empathy doing for you?  Are you getting the job that you want? Are you getting your bills paid?  Are you focused on getting better?  Are you taking the long walk that you planned or have you put that idea on the shelf because you feel too depressed? Maybe part of why you feel depressed is because you are constantly around takers.

This said, before you go and diagnose yourself with depression, make sure you are not surrounding yourself with a bunch of jerks or people who are taking advantage of you. Become the leader of your own path, instead. Remember, no one is to blame, but there are choices you can begin to make. If you keep doing something and its not working or getting results, then change it.  Actions have to match words which have to match feelings which have to match thoughts and intentions.  So, become more Self-loving.  Be Self-ish and pamper yourself to gain more confidence and strength. Then, disburse your energy out into your environment in healthy ways.

Wearing others negative emotions or the ailments of people who don’t want to change or take care of themselves will only drain you.

As for myself, I am and will always be a giver.  But I choose to give to those who appreciate me, treat me with kindness, and respect me. If that is conditional, then so be it. But as a healer, I will only be around people who are on the same page as me. I want to be around real love and people who love themselves. This will include those who are in my circle of friends and family because I feel calm when people are on the same wavelength. This has to do with jobs, business partners, family, friends, and lovers.

So, for you, do the same with every aspect of your life, and you will begin to manifest your dreams and goals. You will accomplish them with the positive energy that you exude from loving yourself.

Love you all, Sunhee

Monday, March 18, 2013

Spirit Activity

Blog by our ESPsychic, Melissa 

Have you ever gotten tingles or cold chills in a 74 degree room? Have you ever felt invisible hands brushing over your hair? Have lights flashed on and off repeatedly, although you were across the room from the light switch?The sudden smell of your mother’s most loved perfume floods the room, even though she is in the Spirit world. These and many other phenomena are recognized as spirit contact world  wide. I have woken up from a deep dream with a Spirit woman sitting on the edge of my bed, watching me sleep. Drawers in my apartment open and re-open when closed. Spirits are always creating contact. Messages are available to all of us, who are willing to perceive Spirit and their symbols, reaching out to us across dimensions. 

1  DREAMS: Spirits often come through in dreams. It is when we are energetically open and receptive. They are able to contact us with messages, symbols, information about upcoming events, and pre-cognitive awareness. This may include information about the birth of a child, career, or world events. They remind us about our health. They can tell us about and describe the Spirit world and give us reassurance of the infinite nature of life.  Very often in dreams, Spirits will communicate telepathically, or give you symbols or an important message.

2  LIGHTS going off and on without being touched can occur when Spirits want to be acknowledged and are present. Lights will flicker. Sometimes, a new light blub will blow out. This is a way of letting you know they are making contact with you.

 3  MISSING OBJECTS: Keys, paper, and other personal objects may disappear and re-appear in the same exact location. Objects that you lost and thought were gone forever may suddenly reappear, seemingly out of nowhere.

4  SMELLS  and FRAGRANCES: Have you ever been in a room that was suddenly flooded with the smell of your mother’s favorite perfume? Spirits can manifest smells associated with them so you know they are around you. Have you ever smelled pipe tobacco or cigar smoke when there was no one around, and it was exactly the same brand your uncle smoked? This can be true of specific foods and smells associated with a job or career previously held by a Spirit or smells from nature if you spent a lot of time at the beach with the person in spirit. They will create associations to let you know they are around you!

5  DRAMATIC CHANGES IN TEMPERATURE:  A sudden drop in temperature where you suddenly feel very cold, even though the heat is on, can be a sign of Spirit contact. Getting chills and goose bumps are signs Spirits are present because they exchange heat for cold. 

6  FEELING THE PRESENCE OF SOMEONE but not seeing anyone.  Spirits can observe us as we live our lives. Have you ever been reading or working on your computer when you felt a strong presence of someone being near you or watching you? Have you ever jolted awake because you felt someone was watching you sleep? Sometimes they can create tingles as if touching our hair or have their hands resting on our shoulders.

7  SYMBOLS are a language Spirits use for communication. They are a bridge between a Spirit and life experience you shared. It can be a song you used to dance to that you hear and keeps playing over and over in your mind. Maybe you find a letter or a card that your loved one in Spirit wrote You could come across a book or film you both loved and discussed that had deep meaning for both you. It is a way of reawakening feeling, connection and to a loved one who has crossed over!

8  LOUD NOISES, TALKING, SINGING and VOICESin other rooms when no one is there. Sometimes it sounds like doors are opening and closing or slamming. Sometimes you may hear footsteps, or voices talking or singing in another room.
Spirits are beings of Light that take physical form – human form. When they leave their physical bodies they become Light Beings once again. They can be our Spirit Guides, Spirit Teacher, Spirit Alchemist, and Spirit Artists who work with us to develop in this dimension. Just like us, they want to be acknowledged and loved !

Melissa Stamps is a certified professional Medium, Clairvoyant and Intuitive Counselor, who helps clients connect to Spirit and accelerate their talents and success through developing their Intuition. She is also a professional Interior Design stylist and Feng Shui practitioner.

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Monday, March 11, 2013


Have you met the one, or have you met the one who taught you a lesson? Twin Flames are the one, the last stop, the one that puts you over the edge and makes you heal and look at yourself. The Twin flame is the one that you have to wait for, but act like your not waiting, and the one that feels you so much that you have no choice but to HEAL.

The Twin flame will not be with you in a whole relationship until you are whole. You could be physically with the person, but emotionally they are not available. You could be emotionally with the person, but you never see them. These are some of the things that allot of my clients call about. Is he the one? Is she the one? No matter what happens in our lives, the bottom line is that everything happens for a reason. If you are separated from your twin flame, it means that you have a few more learning lessons to work out on your own issues.

If your living with your twin flame, but the sexual is not complete, that means he or she is not on your page yet, he or she is healing from a past issue or is scared to give all. Every situation is different, you could have met your Twin flame 20 years ago, and went on one date, and never saw the person again until 20 years later. You could have been married and divorced 3 times already before you get together with your Twin flame. You could get together right away, sleep with each other, but cannot label a relationship yet. Or you could have gotten together after dating for 3 months and needed space because one was overwhelmed and was not ready yet.

The bottom line is that the Twin flame is the one that you cannot forget in your heart, mind, body and soul. Not every story is a fairy tale, nor is it easy.  What you do have to remember is that you have to live your life and work on yourself to manifest the WHOLE relationship and love filled ending that you so deserve. Take care of you, try to not focus on the outcome and instead enjoy the present.

Love to you all,

Sunhee Park